The Tingle of Trines ~ 13 May 2014

No doubt it’s busy out there for everyone. Perhaps so busy that some important celestial happenings might need a refresh in the mnemonics of life. Since I do not Twitter, consider this a reminder that some good things are fixing to happen in the patterns influencing personal planning, progress and outcomes. Feel free to put these notes on your calendar in whatever reminder device you use.

But first, just as a note of personal busy, next week I am headed for the 30th Norwac conference (did you remember to book your Norwac consultation yet?), so there will be no additional posts, barring amazing celestial discoveries, until after I return from Norwac.

There are some very cool trines ahead. In fact, two exact trines form within the next month, and for all intents and purposes each of these trines will be in orb of another trine, completing a grand trine in the sky. Do you feel the tingle? Perhaps it feels like a swirling sensation. Or the buzz of having consumed a six pack of energy drinks. Or maybe you feel as if the chiropractor perfectly adjusted your neck and optimal nerve and blood flow returned to the brain. Whatever it feels like, this is the wake up call.

Enough of fretting about what this year might become. It’s time to implement ingenuity, creativity and get something good into the state of coalescence so it can come to completion. It is true that trines can be a bit unmotivated and low on the get moving side of things. The can be lackadaisical and overly willing to wait for someone else to invent what swirls in your brain. Unless you are surrounded by a pack of go-getter psychics, this expectation likely will not be fulfilled.

So here’s the next trigger. Within the week, on May 19th (could be a day different depending upon where in the world you are), Mars, in Libra turns direct. For the first time this year, we will function without a personal planet retrograde. This is the cool, swift kick in the bottom to get you moving.

This kick precedes the May 24th knock on the noggin offered by Jupiter in Cancer moving to exact trine with Saturn’s retrograde steps in Scorpio. Jupiter pushes out to make things bigger. Saturn applies a governing effect to keep things functioning within optimal or nominal parameters. Any Jupiter-Saturn aspect offers up a blend of expansion and contraction. Any Jupiter-Saturn pattern promises great results to those who work them. The patterns classically deliver the goods, too... given ample coincident effort, of course.

With the nudge of Mars, the inspiration of the trine and the deeply felt inspiration of water signs and the desire to invoke great emotional unfoldment, ideas can feel the pulse of the collective, catch the eye of consumers, and offer solace or inspiration to those needing upliftment.

Mars started the fire. Jupiter fans it. Saturn keeps the burn in control such that the outcome remains favorable. Wait, Jupiter and Saturn are in water, Mars in air. Okay... the bubbles of air carbonate the deep feelings of water into an effervescent enlightenment. Over the top?

Even before Jupiter and Saturn trine, another leg of the grand trine takes place. Tomorrow, May 14, Jupiter moves into a trine with Chiron in Pisces. In mythology, Jupiter was the lord who offered Chiron a way to heal the wounds of his life - physical, emotional and spiritual. Tomorrow, under the influence of this trine, vow to uphold emotional upliftment, creative inspiration and spiritual unfoldment. Shed psychic liabilities that have keep your soul in a locker of angst, timidity, fear, negative speculation and the assumption that things will always go as they have in the past. Dare to dream that things can and will be different, especially with your well-intended, applied effort.

Then, on the 19th, Mars shifts, lets out the clutch and engages the gears in the transmission of “get good things done every day no matter what” vehicle. That way, at the end of each day, there is a positive “at the end of the day” series of events to review via the “good steps taken today” filtering system.

Come May 24th, Jupiter and Saturn culminate. If you cannot be kicking things off that this point, get planning at least. Diagram, outline, write, paint, print, sketch... something. Even wear out the tip of your finger on an electronic gizmo translating brain dumps to documented mundane plans. If you cannot launch at this time, do not despair.

On June 12th, Chiron trines Saturn. This aspect liberates the sense of having one’s life retarded by rule-retentive teachers, Ninja nuns, unsupportive parents or excessively boot camp drill instructors. A realization occurs that reports it does not work to compare woes. So does the sense that your assets, attributes and accomplishments are simply incomparable, and as such, should not be weighted against what others “bring to the table.” Bring your own goods. All of them. Let that be more than enough.

Ahead in August, when Mars enters Scorpio, he comes to trine Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and then directly aligns with Saturn. Fire applied under the water pots of inspiration, emotional and psychic healing leads to the incentive and ability to take large steps forward.

Truly, the tide is turning.

What’s the fuss? Well, there is that pesky thing of the Sun in Gemini semi-square Jupiter and sesquiquadrate Ceres during the exactitude of the Jupiter-Saturn trine. Okay, so...

Discipline your mind to resist the urge to overthink.

Discipline your mind stay within bounds. It does not further to think beyond the conditions at hand when putting out fires.

Break up goals into bite-size chunks so long term plans do not appear insurmountable.

Do not ask for opinions from those without experience in what you are doing.

Stop talking. Get going. When the deal is done, button the word-making machine.

Avoid the urge to win a battle, but lose the war. No cutting off the nose for spite of the face.

Tell your inner critic to shut the frig up and actively advocate in your best interest and your best interest only.

The trying times are on holiday. The trine times have the floor. Feel the tingle and get up and get on with it.